Friday, March 17, 2006

All About Me

Hi, my name is Molly.

This is me:


I'm married to this guy:


And these are our children:

Buster in it

The one on top is Buster. Sinner's on the bottom. (I must point out that the act captured in the above photograph was not consensual, and the cat ran away just seconds after I snapped the photo. I think he would want you to know that. But I'm still very pleased at having caught his humiliation and preserved it for posterity. Because dogs humping cats is funny.)

We live in the beautiful (rainy, damp, a bit moldy in places) Pacific Northwest-- the Portland Metro Area, to be more specific. Ever heard of Portland? It's the closest thing Oregon has to a real city. I've lived in Oregon most of my life, save the year or two I lost to southern California, and Mark grew up in South Carolina, where much of his family still lives. We got married in October 2005, an event with whose consequences I'm still terribly pleased. I adore him. And he tells me all the time that he thinks I'm cool no matter what anyone says.

I've had a blog in some form or another since 1999, and my logorrhea insures that I pretty much always will. I think I had a blogger blog once, but I didn't write in it; mostly I stuck around Diaryland, writing sometimes-horrible things anonymously. I'll probably still write sometimes-horrible things here, only now my name's on it, so maybe I'll be more careful. Or not.


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