Thursday, June 29, 2006

The Big Idea

Next month-- the 27th of July to be exact-- is my 25th birthday, which also happens to fall on the opening day of the Oregon Brewers Festival. Since it is my birthday, I will be tossing decorum out the window and, in an unprecedented move, my non-drinking ass will attempt to keep up with my rugby-player husband in the sampling and/or enjoyment of various beers. By my calculations, this means I will be piss drunk within approximately 5.2 minutes of entering the festival, which should be entertaining for everyone. If you want to come watch me giggle madly for about 30 minutes (an hour if you're really lucky) and then complain about how sleepy I am (if I don't just fall asleep right there and have to be carried around), feel free to come on down!


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